Friday, 24 January 2014

Creation of Contents Page

I have decided to carry on the idea of a multi-coloured banner to put the title on. I have done this because it is eye catching and gives the magazine a theme. Also, I have decided to name the page "contents" because it is straight to the point much like the name of the magazine. I have also included a small phrase that says "whats in your mag". This includes colloquial language that I think will be easy for the readers to understand and relate to.
In this image you can see that I have kept the banner the same, but I have begun to include the circles for the page numbers to go into. I decided that I wanted these colours because they stand out and they have a ring around the edge that goes with the opposing colour. This I think helps them to stand out. I have also staggered them because I thought I only needed a few pages and I thought it would look really effective.
Here I have started to add in the numbers. As you can see nothing else has been changed because at this point I was still happy with the arrangement.
In this next image you can see that I have attempted to include an "Editors Letter" I put it at this angle because I thought that by making it look like a real letter it would be more effective. However I was clearly wrong about this. I also changed the layout of the numbers, I reduced the amount of 'bubbles' for the numbers to go in and put them in a diagonal line towards the bottom left of the page. I have placed yellow blocks next to each number to introduce a place for text to be inserted later.
Here you can see that I have alternated the colours of the blocks to make each one stand out from the rest. You can also see that I have increased the amount of numbers there are and added in all of the pieces of text. I have changed the position of the 'letter' and made the background of it green. I will need to change the font size or cut it down slightly as it goes over the edge of the green background slightly.

Here you can see that I have changed the font of 'letter' and made it shorter so that it all fits. I have also included a name at the bottom to make it more personal for the readers. Finally, I have introduced an image of an artist singing. However the background does not match so this will need to be changed.
I found it quite difficult to make the colours match so I made the images background black and I think this looks much more effective this way.
Here you can see my final piece before my review hardly anything has changed from previously, but I did change the font size of the 'editors letter'. I made it bigger. I did this because at the size of font it was before it would have been hard to read. Although the 'signature' at the bottom of the letter goes down onto the main image I still think it looks effective.

After my review I was told that the colours of my magazine are too bright and that I should include more images. So I made each of the colours a lot lighter so now the colour scheme is of pastel colours rather than really bright. I was also told that the editors letter is too large, so as you can see I have moved it down to the bottom of the page and inverted the colour scheme of it. I made the background for it with and almost transparent and then I made the writing on it darker so that it stood out better and was a lot easier to read than before. I haven't changed the layout, but I have changed the font size to smaller so that I could fit in more captions.
From the previous image to this one I have removed the larger image and moved the editors letter down towards the bottom right hand corner of the page. The editor's letter is smaller but contains the same words, but it looks a lot neater than before. It is positioned over a translucent purple box which allows the pink font colour to stand out well. Next, I added in lots of small rectangular bars to use as a background for the contents, I used alternating colours but I made sure that you could always read the text by inputting a long rectangular see-through box so that the colours of the strips weren't to bright. I imported a new picture, a close-up of a young womans face. I did this because although she isn't singing people will recognise her as an artist.

 From previously I have only added twomore images and a starburst. Along with captions to help link the pictures to the pages they will be reading on the magazine. The starburst is bright so that it sticks out and is easily seen and it includes a pull quote to entice people to read on to the double page spread.

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