Thursday, 23 January 2014

Possible Front Page Images

I completed a photo shoot in attempt to get some good shots for my front cover. After looking through my final images I decided to go for the one that is jus to the left here. I chose this one above the other ones because it had all the characteristics of a traditional pop magazine front cover. The subject has made eye contact with camera and is not entirely face on. She is faced slightly to the left with head pointed towards the camera. The lighting used is lighting  up her face and just behind her, the light has caught her hair and created a good effect.

I didn't like this photo because it isn't close enough and the subject isn't looking into the camera. Also, the background has a dark shadow on and so doesn't look as good as it could have.
In this photo, the girl is looking up and there is a dark shadow on the background. I would prefer for there to be eye contact  so I will  not be using this picture.

 This picture is positioned correctly, but the girl doesnt look happy. This is not a good picture because i would prefer for her to be smiling a little  at least.
I  like this picture but the composition isnt right and the subject looks more worried than happy. This is why I will not be using this picture.
This picture is good as the composition is correct and she looks happy, but unfortunately it was taken in black and white so i will not be using it. This is because I want the image to be bright t attract attention.

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